Home Health Care after Surgery
About Me
Home Health Care after Surgery

My name's Marcy. I’m forty-two years old, single, and live alone. I had knee surgery six months ago, and I didn’t plan to have a professional help me after surgery. What a mistake! I made it a total of one day home alone before calling in a home health care professional. I had family and friends who were available to help, and they were great when it came to cooking and cleaning. However, when it came to helping with personal hygiene, caring for my surgery site, and helping me move, I needed more than family and friends. I’m going to share more about my home health care experience. I hope you find what I share to be helpful.

Home Health Care after Surgery

  • What To Expect From A Home Health Aide

    30 October 2018

    There are a number of different types of professionals you can have come to your home to help when you or a loved one needs extra help for medical reasons. It is important that you take the time to determine what help is needed so you are sure to have the right professional come to your home. Your insurance company should pay for any help that is determined necessary by your doctor, so it will be important to discuss this with them before contacting a staffing agency.

  • Why Home Health Care Is A Great Choice For Your Elderly Parent

    4 June 2018

    As a person grows older, their needs may change. The things that they may have been able to do with ease could become a bit more difficult to carry out. If you have a parent who is starting to age you might be concerned about whether or not they are able to get around the way they used to. You long to spend more time with them, but the pressures of your own responsibilities won't permit it.

  • Ensuring Safety And Care For Your Loved Ones - Questions To Ask Your Home Care Aid

    12 June 2017

    When someone you love and care about needs the services of a home health care aid, it's natural to have a degree of nervousness and concern. Trusting someone you may not know well with the responsibility of caring for someone important to you can mean putting a good deal of faith in the unknown, but you don't have to settle for confusion. Below, you'll find a guide to some questions you should be sure to ask a home health care aid in order to ease those worries and develop the comfort you desire.

  • 3 Questions To Ask When Choosing An In-Home Care Provider For A Parent With Dementia Or Memory Issues

    12 May 2017

    Although many people are familiar with the use of a home health aide or other medical professionals for parents with physical challenges, it's important to remember that those persons can be equally useful if your mom or dad suffers from dementia or memory issues that make being alone unsafe. For instance, if your mother or father suffers from memory issues, it would be easy to turn on the oven or stove and forget about it and not to eat on time.

  • Tips For Helping Your Parent Gain Weight In Assisted Living

    9 May 2017

    Even after you help your elderly parent move into an assisted living home, you want to take an active interest in his or her health. This could include accompanying your parent to medical appointments in which his or her family doctor assesses your parent's overall health. Many elderly people lose weight as they age, which can be problematic for a number of reasons. If your parent belongs to this demographic, it's probable that his or her doctor will suggest gaining weight.